Between 2008 and 2017, Maxine created and published an autobiographical webcomic called Chaosbunny (though it started out as 'Jim & Tonic'), and entirely failed to monetise this in any way. Chaosbunny comics included some themes dear to the artist's heart, and she often regarded it as his subtlest form of activism.
![Being Polyamorous What my parents think it means [Bunny swings over a pile of people with a 'censored' sign over them] - What my friends think it means [Bunny sits on a couch cuddling two partners] - What my life is actually like [Bunny sits on a floor in an empty room while a voice says over the phone 'I think I can fit you in next October']](Pictures/Cartoons/2017-073-beingpolyamorous-s.jpg)
The chaosbunny website has been out of action for the past couple of years due to a code migration issue combined with an extreme disintegration of the artist's mental health, but Bunny is working on bringing it back in archive form. In the meantime, here is a small sample of comics from the archive.